
Final Blog Log

Updated Blog Log

Argument : Shor and Kliewer

Shor Ira Shor’s article argues that children need to question their experience in schools this can give them a feeling for our democratic society. Most kids go to school and go through the motions because they feel like it’s a chore. If the students were more engaged and had the chance to participate more in the class’s structure then they’d want to extend their academic career. The socialization that occurs in the class is controlled by the teacher at all times. Although the teacher has the authority it is the students who allow the information to sink in, or because of the short time, they give to teach the curriculum. Many students become self-taught, while others misbehave possibly on account to them, not understanding the material. Educating students and how we do it helps form the future people who will be in charge. By empowering students they can create their own opinions and ask their own questions, which helps them gain and develop knowledge. By being an active studen...

Journal #6 : Last Day :(

Today was my last day at my school. I am so sad to leave them and my best friend/roommate Jess and I made care packages for the kids before we left. We bought them little necklaces, pencils, eraser toppers, and stickers. We walked into the building carrying the bag of goodies and my ukelele. All the kids knew it was our last day and then kept asking where we would go after we were done visiting them. One of the nicest kids I had met there asked me if I would stay with Mrs.Corrado after because he thought that teachers lived together. I read with the same kids I do on Thursdays and taught myself some tricks watching youtube videos on how to help them read when I felt like the answer was obvious. I covered parts of the words and ask them to sound them out and we’d sound out all the words together, this showed me that reading with young kids can be less challenging when you use the tools you’ve learned. I played a matching game with four students in the class that had all missing piec...

Author's Map : Hello Poster Story

Map the Authors In my class, there is a poster that the students made where they listed every way in which they could say hello. I thought this was very welcoming to people of all cultures. The teacher even asked me if I could say hello in another language and I said "Keefik", which means "how are you" in Arabic. Delpit is a good example because by doing this they are switching codes in the classroom by giving the students the power to share what they know. This allows the student to be a teacher and the teacher to be the student. Their culture is welcomed and now things are learned in the classroom. Rodriquez made the point that students talk privately at home and publically in different languages and for a lot of the kids in my class, this is true. A little girl said she calls only her mom titi and that wasn't hello but we used it anyway. Lastly August talked about marginalized students being welcomed into the school's community and by doing this acti...

Journal #5 : Alfie Kohn

I believe that the school that I am at right now is very closely related to Alfie Kohn’s version of a good classroom. The classroom is warm and full of supplies for the students such as books, colored pencils markers, and toys. The desks are in groups or clusters where all the students can look at each other. The teacher is rarely in front of the students lecturing they always have an activity, center, iPad or game to play. On the walls, the students have their worksheets and activities posted. The students are engaged and love answering their teacher's questions with raised hands or shouted answers. The students have been very warm and kind to me and have noticed that I look a little different than them. The class discussions are lead by the teacher but the students talk to either directly as well. Questions are asked by the teacher and students equally. I do not agree with Kohn’s opinion on when a teacher says “who can tell me…” is a bad sign because I believe that...

Hyperlink : TAL and Herbert

Michael Brown's graduation picture. Elizabeth Eckford being heckled at by a crowd of white people at 15 for being the first person of color to attend Little Rock Central High School.  Integration in schools is something that many educational facilities are lacking, this is the reality of our world. We are still desegregating white and black schools, and it is due to discrimination in communities. Nikole Hannah Jones followed the story of those attending at the Normandy school district in which was unaccredited for nearly fifteen years because it had such inadequate teaching, supplies and general education. This left those who went there seeking other schools to attend and those at Francis Howell to be upset by this new change which had 85% white people attending. Many white parents were discriminating against the students and parents wanting to attend just based on their color, and stating that there would be more violence, lower test scores, and drug ...